A signpost with fingers. They don't make 'em like that anymore now do they? Location: corner Lekkumerweg and Bouwedijk Google maps heading towards Sakkerbuorren.
A signpost with fingers. They don't make 'em like that anymore now do they? Location: corner Lekkumerweg and Bouwedijk Google maps heading towards Sakkerbuorren.
Skating is very popular in Friesland (I hope you notice the understatement here). In Heerenveen (googlemaps link) there is one of the best skate stadiums in the world and watching it all on TV can be very exciting. But if you would try to get tickets in the 10,000 plus seater stadium, you will come away very disappointed, unless you know someone who knows someone. The dutch skating union (KNSB) only sell 750 tickets a day. The rest are for sponsors! and skateclubs.
A protest group has been formed so that more cards will be available. I support them. They have set up a dutch language website for their cause over at http://www.volgendjaarwelkaartjes.tk/
In Friesland, if your village has a Hema shop, then it is better than the rest. Not that I mind. Our village doesn't have one yet ;-) but...
Every self respecting village in Friesland has it's own skating rink. It is now november and even though the cold has not set in (we have had the first night frost though), they are all flooded. When the cold sets in it will be packed here with people from gytsjerk and some of the surrounding villages. If the global warming does not act up too much I should have photos of this in January or February 2007.
On the 11 city skate tour this is the last bridge before the finish at Leeuwarden. This photo was taken at 7.30am. In the background you can see diggers clearing the waters for the winter. Location (Google Maps): Where the Canterlandseweg crosses the canal.
This photo was taken facing Bartlehiem. Behind me was Leeuwarden.
This is Bartlehiem... allegedly. It says it is, but I've heard that it is actually on the otherside of the canal in Ferwerderadiel while this photo was taken in Tytsjerksteradiel (these are both counties of the province Friesland). This photo was taken at the Vlier a campsite (looks nice) and a place to have coffee and apple tart (which they claim is world famous - sigh! But which is very good anyway). This is a great place in the summer to stop your boat if you are on the Dokkumer Ee canal or just passing by car. There is alot of traffic on the canal in summer but it was really enjoyable.
No photos still, but a story about a city kid (moi). This happened last November. It was dark. I was on a mountain bike with a suitcase on the handlebars looking for ‘camping’ in Grou. It was too dark to see the sign from the cycle path so I kept on cycling until I ran out of cycling path. And then I did something stupid. I kept cycling, on towards Warten in pitch darkness, with only ditch on both sides of the road. The sudden appearance of driving rain didn't help either (er! – I may have used a few expletives in fact).
After more than 10 minutes I copped myself on and turned back and within half an hour found the camping. I was now soaked to the skin so I changed, huddled up to the gas fire for a few minutes and then made my way up to the restaurant for a coffee and a whiskey (to get the juices really flowing again). That was my baptism of fire for life in the countryside. I mean there were at least two motorists who thought I should cycle to the nearest psychiatrist. It being November we did not get loads of sun, but we did not get wet either for the rest of the weekend which was a big relief. And we really enjoyed ourselves.