Saturday, September 08, 2007

Childrens Survival party

Is this an advertorial. No honestly it is is not. But we booked Jan van Dijk in for our children's party. I had video taped it. The party was so good I'm sticking it up and if it is for you get in touch with Jan.

It was a children's survival party. All the kids come home tired and dirty. But every single kid loved it. The next day they were still talking about it. Jan is in Ternaard, but he does parties in lots of different places in the province. We had our party in Rypsjerk.

Highly recommended.

Alle kinderen komen vies, blij en moe thuis. Wat zullen ze lekker slapen. Maar wat vinden ze het gaaf. Wij hebben ingehuurd voor onze kinder feest. Het was het beste feest ooit.

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